
OMG!!! What can I possibly say about Frolicon to do it adequate justice? Nada… This year, like every year at Frolicon, there was much frolicking to be had!!! Vending took place Thursday–Sunday, but Roger (super awesome vendor coordinator dude) keeps the vending hours reasonable so that vendors can still enjoy the heck out of the…

Relay for Life – Candles for a Cure

This month, we didn’t have any shows to vend or present at, but that doesn’t mean we weren’t busy. Our local Relay for Life Fund-Raiser for the American Cancer Society was this month and I made up a bunch of “non-play” Soy Wax Candles and sold them to raise money for Relay. Our team did…

March Vending Recap

March was a super busy month for us. The 10th-12th, we were at 2 different shows. I (tara) was vending at South Plains Leather Fest in Dallas, TX, while Master KJ was at the Leather Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia teaching both his class & mine. I messed up & had double-booked the weekend before…

Sin in the City

This February like the one before, we went up to Sin in the City in Las Vegas, NV. On the way there, we took a few extra days to see sights & do tourist stuff. In doing so, I was able to check off some other places my Papaw often talked about in my childhood.…

Southwest Leather Conference

January started the year off strong with a trip to Phoenix for the Southwest Leather Conference. It was a great event and I had always wanted to visit Phoenix because of stories my Papaw told me when I was little about his travels out west. And… I finally got to see those cacti from the…