This unit uses a microprocessor, which gives exact dial performance. Microprocessor Benefits include an accurate electric Timer, and an accurate output of maximum, full strength power of 80ma. Accurate as a digital unit, yet easy to operate!
- Safety amplitude cap: Protects the Amplitude Knobs from accidental bumps or knob movements.
- Electrodes: comes standard with High Quality 1.5″ X 1.5″ electrodes with Gel for maximum re-usability.
- Dual Channel, 3 Modes, Timer & Safety Amplitude Cap
- Microprocessor Technology for precision dial performance
- Pulse Width 30-260 (uS)
- Pulse Rate 2-150 (Hz)
- Wave Form: Asymmetrical Bi-Phasic Square Pulse
- Unit Comes with Carrying Case, 1 pack of High Quality Multi-Stick
- Electrodes, New FDA Approved Lead Wires, Battery & Manual.